Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm a new Krafty Girl!!!!! I've been keeping a secret and I can finally shout it to the world!!! I'm now a Krafty Girl at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps!!! WOOHOO!!!! I'm soooo happy and excited to join this AWESOME team of fabulously talented ladies!!! You will find a list of all the Krafty Girls on my side bar.  Kimmie's stamps have always been one of my favorite lines, and to be able to call myself a Krafty Girl has always been a dream of mine. I keep pinching myself to see if I wake up! LOL! Here are a couple of cards I've made using Kimmie's high quality rubber stamps!! I hope you join me every Saturday for a new Kraftin' Kimmie challenge from Kraftin' Kimmie's Challenge Blog!!  This first one is pretty appropriate after New Year's Eve. LOL!

Thanks so much for helping me celebrate my good news and for stopping by to see me today! Hope to see you again soon!  Hugs!!!


Alexis said...

Congrats. You're cards are just too cute. I love, love, love all of them and can't wait to check in every week and see what else you create.

Sandy said...

Congratulations Krafty Girl! Honor well deserved!! This is one funny card. She looks like she has been through the War of Roses. But I am not sure what this says about the gent's taste in women. She looks happy and he looks a little "Krafty" to me. Well done! And you know I love that mouse card.

Candy said...

Happy New Year, Sharon!
Big Congratulations on being on Krafting Kimmy's DT.
Man oh man!! Your three cards are fantastic.
Your marvelous work shines on each of them.
You are going to wow them over there!!
big hugs, Candy

Louise said...

Wow, congratulations Sharon. Your work is fabulous, so I'm not surprised they asked you to join them :)
Love your cards x

chrilvian said...

and happy newyear

Mandy said...

Woo hoo congrats Krafty Girl :)
Beautiful cards as always hun, your colouring always wow's me and I am sooooooo jealous of your stitching in straight lines, I reckon I've got a faulty machine lol.
Happy New Year Krafty Girlie :)
big hugs Mandy xx

Devlin said...

Congrats! That's so great!

Sheri said...

Congratulations! They chose well :)

Ladybug said...

WhoooooHooooo! A Krafty Girl!!! How neat is that, eh? Congrats! :-)

Ahhhh, I just saw that your li'l sign stating that you don't participate in blog awards --- I guess I'm gonna have to stop giving them to you, then. :-)

Design Team said...

That's such amazing news Sharon! Congratulations! So very well-deserved!! xx

Regina Easter said...

WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i AM SO EXCITED FOR will blow them away with your fab work....hugs

Creations by Shirl said...

Woot Woot Sharon~
Congrats well deserved my friend... Can I be your partner too, he,he....
Great set of cards, perfect to ring in the new year with awesome projects.
Way to go~

Amanda R said...

Congrats to you too Sharon, I understand your enthusiasm! When Kimmie asked me I just about burst! Hope to have lots of fun working with you!

Lulu said...

Yes Congrats And Yes nU sure do deserve this gift. It sure seems this is another spark that will
continue 2 bring Ur Life Passion! I
net the new cards You'l; B creating
WILL have even More Pazazz 2 then..
if that B possible. Blssing on this anniversay date 1.2.12 today
tomorrow & ALWAYS<(^o^)>

Barb Hardeman said...

What a well deserved honor! I'm just thrilled to bits for you "Krafty Girl"! You've done an awesome job on these cards! I see being sick recently hasn't damaged your Mojo! All the very best for a fabulous'll be off to CHA soon, so have a great time there and give everyone a hug for me!
Hugs for you too...Barb

Patti aka NW Lady said...

Congrats Sharon, what a great way to start the New Year! I'm lovin this first card here, super cute! Patti

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sharon! That's great news - they are lucky to have you! They are fun images and the cards you are showcasing today are so cute! Can't wait to see more!

Happy New Year! hugs, Angela

Carole Beath said...

Congrats my dear Sharon, you are so awesome, they are blessed to have you on their DT. I hope your 2012 is a wonderful year, my friend.

Unknown said...

Congrats Sharon, you definitely deserve it! Hourray!

Melodie said...

Beautiful cards you've conjured up again, I like them all very well.

allex said...

Congratulations Sharon, you deserve it, they're so lucky to have you !!!!!!

Hugs, Sandra xx


Judi said...

BRILLIANT news Sharon! Love all the cards, especially the one about the morning after, lol.



Sheri said...

Oh mny gosh!!! If that isn't a PERFECT fit...I just don't know what is! I love Kraftin Kimmie stamps and your slightly twisted take of a combination made in heaven! Have fun and a huge congratulations Sharon!!! :)

Kelly Schelske said...

Fabulous cards Sharon and congrats on your Krafty Girl spot!!

Anonymous said...

Tag with the button,use of blue color is pretty.Amazing!!!
Discount Card Printing
Clear Business Cards

Michele Boyer said...

lol. I LOVE that first card! (I love them all, but that first one cracks me up!) :)

Kraftin' Kimmie said...

Heehee! We're SO thrilled to have you Sharon!! Hugs!!