Monday, December 28, 2009

Hi friends!!! After taking some much needed time off, I am back and definitely in the mood to craft! I hope all of you had a most wonderful holiday season! We had such a lovely Christmas, and I am off work this week. YAY!!!!! LOL! So I'm planning on relaxing and getting some crafting done too. With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I FINALLY got to get my challenge card done for Magnolia-licious. The challenge was from the most talented Cheryl Rowley, and it was to make a shaped card (anything except square or rectangle). I decided to use the card feature from my new Cricut cartridge, Sweet Treats.
I love it, cause the card shape is already made and you just have to tell it what size you want it and hit the cut button. Doesn't get any easier! I also wanted desperately to use this beautiful stamp from Magnolia-licious from the So Jolly/Mistletoe collection. (The site if currently down so I can't link to her, sorry!) She is one of my very favorites from this new collection! She's colored with Copic markers (E50, E53, R35, R46, E11, R20, E02, E00) and then cut out and popped up from the present shaped card. The DP is Basic Grey and cardstock is Bazzill. The tag is cut from my Tags, Bags, Boxes, and More Cricut cartridge. You still have a couple days left to join in on the shaped card fun over at Magnolia-licious Highlites blog! If you play along, you'll have a chance to win a gift certificate to Magnolia-licious! Thanks so much for popping by to see me today, and hope to see you back again soon! Hugs!!


Joyce said...

This is just darling! Love it!

Eulanda said...

It's gorgeous and I love the Cricut template you used!! I also love that image - so cute! Glad you are enjoying some much deserved time off!!

Jeri said...

Hi Sharon--

So glad you had time to enjoy your family and get some rest and relaxation in. I've done the same. Finally made it to my craft room for the first time today after a week of traveling to see kids and grandkids. Your shaped card is gorgeous. I'm in love with that new Sweet Treats cartridge--very versatile. Looking forward to all your designs in the New Year.

Hugs, Jeri T.

Danni said...

What a fun card!! and now I am going to have to add the Sweet Treats cartridge to my long wishlist. LOL!
Wonderful job!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful the circut must be. Your card is wonderful Sharon. I love it all. Your coloring is always so beautiful. One of my New Years goals is to get use to my copics. You could also use this as a birthday card. So pretty!
May the good Lord wrap his loving arms around your family in this New Year. Wishing you blessings.

Mandy said...

Hi Sharon, glad you had a good Christmas hun and enjoyed some time off.
Gorgeous card, love the shape and sweet image, your colouring is beautiful as always
hugs Mandy xx

Lynne in NI said...

Glad to see you back ... this is absolutely stunning!

Sheri said...

Oh my! This is beautiful! I love the package from the Cricut and I love the Magnolia and how you colored it. You made the choice of colors and made this card just POP! Super job my friend!

charlene said...

Hey Sharon it is good to see you ! I am glad you had a great Christmas, and that you are off this week ! Does not get better than that except for this little card what a cutie as always. Love the colors and your coloring is top notch ! Big hugs to ya my friend, enjoy your week I am back to work tomorrow.

Debra James said...

This is GREAT Sharom. Another one of your inspiring cards. I love the richness of the card and the paper and colouting looks amazing. Glad you had a wondeful Christmas. Now off to check out that cartridge-you know its because of your use of the cricut cartridges that I buy more. LOL You should be getting paid by them on commission girl, cause Im sure Im not the only one.Hugs Debra

Nancy said...

girl--I absolutely love love love this card. It screams GORGEOUS!!! I'm so glad to hear that you and your family had a wonderful holiday...hugss!!!

Lillian A said...

Aw, she is definitely darling, Sharon. Your rendition is fabulous, as always. Enjoy your time off this week -- it can't get any better than spending it in your stamping room, creating masterpieces! (Not to mention, staying inside, nice and warm, as opposed to battling the arctic chill).
Hugs, Lillian

Regina Easter said...


MarieL said...

Love your card, Sharon. Love the shape, colors, your coloring and that sweet Tilda...well, I love it all.
Have a Happy New Year. I am looking forward to another year of your creations.

Carole Beath said...

Love this card, girl.... Sweet Tilda .... The whole card is just perfect with the papers you selected to join in.

Candy said...

Hi Sweet Sharon!
So happy to hear you had a great Christmas and are having this week off. I am sure it will be a big treat for you and I am sure you will get lots of goodies made!
What a cute card you have made!!! Love that Cricut Cartridge! Great gift shape and beautifully coloured Tilda.
Hugs, Candy

Joynana said...

Sharon, such a cute card. I have got to get this cartridge for my Cricut.I always learn something new when I visit you.

Ann Kranitz said...

Sharon, This is precious!!! Love it.

Always with a Sentiment said...

Happy Crafting.
Love Sandra xx

♥♥RubyM:)♥♥ said...

Sharon i love it! I love love how you always add your cricut and it gives it a very nice touch to the maggies. Your coloring is thru the roof.BEAUTIFUL!!!NICE Card ((hugs))

cats whiskers said...

Glad you had a greart Xmas dear. This is a terrific card, just adore that shape and the fabulous colouring it is altogether stunning
Hugs Jacqui x

Anonymous said...

Oh m'gosh, Sharon, how precious! Love the big present and the colors are fab!

KymKreates said...

you must have as many cricut cartridges as you do Maggies! Wonderful as usual!

DonnaMundinger said...

Glad you had a lovely little vacation Sharon. Sometimes we just need to recharge. This turned out sooo cute! and to think I've passed up Sweet Treats so far. Oh dear me! As usual Tilda is precious. xxD

Tracey said...

This is awesome! I just love it darlin!! xx

Kelly Schelske said...

She's gorgeous Sharon!

Nancy said...

Hi Sharon,
Your card is adorable! I really love this Tilda also and you have colored her perfectly! Love how you used your cricut to cut your card shape. Awesome!

Kelly said...

This card is just way too cute. I love how the card looks like a present.Glad you took time off to enjoy the holidays...very much deserved but I'm happy to see you are back!

Monique said...

OMG Sharon. This card is soooooo cute !!! I am still waiting on my Sweet Treats cartridge. Mail is really slow these days.....

Hugs Monique

Nikki said...

OH I sooo love this card shape!! And I've always loved your tags. You're copic talent is just amazing!
Hugs, Nikki

Anonymous said...

Love this shaped card! You work just keeps getting better and better. Your coloring is AMAZING.

DeeDee said...

Okay, I don't know if its all the RED or not, but I think this has got to be one of my all time favs of yours! This is one awesome card girlie! WOW! Maybe its the present shape...IDK, but I love it! Way to go girlfriend! GORGEOUS! HUGS!