Thursday, October 29, 2009

Freebie digi image from Fresh Brewed Designs if you hurry!!!

My friend Heather, owner of Fresh Brewed Designs is giving away a freebie digi image if you hurry before she takes it down! It's an image of Mr Corn and I love it! Be sure you head over there and take advantage of her generosity, and please don't forget to leave her some love on her blog! Her digi images are adorable! Click HERE to get it!

Thanks and hugs!!!


  1. Thank you Thank you Thank you Sharon for the shout out and the love:)

    Have a great night!


  2. I left you an award on my blog. It should show up in a bit! Barb-Snowmanlover

  3. Thanks Sharon! I was still able to snag the image. Too cute! xxD


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